Jennifer Nguy

A curious graphic and web designer with a passion for thoughtful design.

Featured Work

Card thumbnail for the Chapel Hill Affordable Housing & Community Connections page.

Graphic Design

Web Design

Designing flyers, posters, stickers, and more.

Card thumbnail for the Endagered Species Web App page. The image features an illustrated safari ranger standing in front of a laptop that shows a screenshot of the Endangered Species web application.

Web Design

Web Development

An educational interactive web app for children.

Card thumbnail for the Sublunary Coffee page.

Packaging Design

Web Design

Developing a visual identity for a mystical coffee brand.

Card thumbnail for the cARds page. The image features the Carolina Panthers logo, a 3D model of a Panthers football player, and a mockup of a trading card.

Product Design

Iteraction Design

Enhancing fan engagement for the Carolina Panthers using augmented reality.

More Work

Card thumbnail for the Jubilee page.

Graphic Design

Packaging Design

Card thumbnail for the UNC VSA page.

Graphic Design
